Top 5 Emotional Problems Dyslexia Ages 5-7+ Kids – How To Help Dyslexic Child At Home

“I grew-up in the 1980s, when people just did not talk about feelings and emotions. I struggled at school to learn, focus and make friends. Often I would come home from school tired, frustrated and this would lead to an angry outburst. What I did not know then is that I am dyslexic. Dyslexic children feel and show emotions stronger. They need support to talk their worries and feelings. ” Dyslexic Mum

What Are The Facts, Negative Feelings Dyslexia?

A dyslexic child may struggle in class to learn and at home to control their behaviour. They are more likely to have mental health issues, resulting in negative feelings. This can show as:

  • Angry Outburst
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Tiredness
  • Low Motivation
  • Tummy Pains
  • Headaches
  • Low self-esteem
  • Unfocused behaviour

Improving physical and mental health, can help a dyslexic child challenge negative thinking. The activities below will provide the child with the skills to do this.

Affects of Stress on Body

Top 5 Managing Emotions Essentials Starting At ร‚ยฃ10! Makes Learning About Emotions Easy!

1) Managing Anxiety Book: This book helps dyslexic child to talk about their problems and find solutions to help them worry less. Shop Now Don’t Worry, Be Happy Amazon


2) Understand Feelings Book: Use this book to help dyslexic children to understand their negative feelings and why they maybe experiences such feelings. Shop Now My Feelings and Me Amazon


3) Managing Angry Outbursts: Dyslexic kids may be prone to angry outbursts. Use this book to help them understand why they feel angry and how to avoid this leading to angry outbursts. Shop Now When I Feel Angry Amazon


4) Worry Journal: Journalling is a great way for dyslexic kids to get their problems out of their head and down on a paper. This journal has calming activities to help anxious and worried children. Shop Now My Worry Journal Amazon


5) Daily Feelings Checkin Journal: This handy journal is great for older dyslexic children to record their worries and feelings. This helps process negative feelings and understand what is trigger them. Shop Now HappySelf Kids Journal Amazon


Help Dyslexic Child  Manage Emotions

Try the “Managing Emotions” course. For parents/ teacher of dyslexic children.

Try 3 activities, Just 10 minutes per Day!

Help a dyslexic child to act calmer, become more focused and feel more positive.

This easy to follow course will help you:

  • Create a calmer space for the child to learn.
  • Encourage the child to adopt healthy lifestyle habits.
  • Show the child ways to meditate and calm the mind.

***All the “Mooki Cards” featured in the videos are available to purchase as a card deck. Shop Mooki cards now:) ***

Top Tips Course

The 3 activities take just 10 mins per day:

  • Aim to try all 3 activities in 1 week, what days will you do the tasks?
  • Do them with the child, in a quiet place with no distractions.
  • Do each task on different days, to stop the child becoming overwhelmed.

Remember this course is about the child learning how to manage their own wellbeing. Find out what works for the child using the activities below and encourage them to do more.

Task 1 Find your Calm space

Use Calm Corner Card

Help the child show and understand what makes them feel calm when learning

  • Ask the child to show what makes them feel calm when learning, by pointing at examples on the “Calm Corner” card.
  • Ask the child to draw or write 3 things that help them feel calm, when learning. Use the card for ideas.
  • Create a calm space from the child at home or in classroom. It could be as simple as a cushion on the floor next to a window.

Use the calm corner when the child needs to do school work, it can also be used when the child needs some quiet time.

Task 2 Healthy Habits

Use Healthy Habits Card

Help the child adopt healthy habits to improve their wellbeing

  • Ask the child to choose a healthy habits badge to achieve using the “Healthy Habits” card.
  • Talk to the child about what they will do to get the badge, for example make a birthday card for the “craft” badge.
  • Complete the activity and ask the child how it make them feel? Do they seem more relaxed?

You can repeat the activity, until the child has collected all the badges.

Task 3 Calming Yoga

Use Calming Yoga Card

Help the child to try yoga to help calm their behaviour and mind

  • Ask the child to do the easy yoga pose and breathing exercise using the “calming yoga” card.
  • Using the card ask the child to choose another yoga pose to try.
  • Ask the child if they have other ideas for animal yoga poses, can they show you?

The activity can be repeated until the child had completed all the yoga poses.

How Did The Course Help?

  • What does the child need in their calm corner, to help them learn?
  • Which of the healthy habits will the child continue to use?
  • Did the child find doing the yoga relaxing, did it calm their behaviour?

Worried About Your Worried Kid? Here’s How to Help!

Does your child seem stressed or on edge a lot? You’re not alone. Anxiety is common in children, and it can be tough to see them struggle. But the good news is there are things you can do to help!

This post is easy to follow and we’ll break things down into simple steps. Here are some ways to be a superhero for your little hero:

1. Talk it Out – Become a Listening Ear

  • Find a quiet time to chat.
  • Ask open-ended questions like “What’s been bothering you lately?” or “Is there anything making you feel nervous?”
  • Listen patiently without judgement.
  • Let them know their feelings are okay.

2. Identify the Monster – What Makes the Anxiety Roar?

  • Together, try to figure out what situations or things make your child anxious.
  • Is it school presentations? Tests? Making new friends?
  • Once you know the “why” behind the worry, you can start tackling it.

3. Breathe Like a Superhero – Calming Techniques to the Rescue!

  • Help your child learn simple relaxation techniques like deep breathing.
  • Take slow, deep breaths together, counting to five as you inhale and slowly blowing out to a count of ten.
  • Practice makes perfect! You can find some fun and easy breathing exercises for kids on websites like Child Mind Institute: [child mind institute relaxation techniques ON]

4. Face the Fear (a Little at a Time) – Be Their Sidekick!

  • Instead of avoiding things that cause anxiety, try facing them together in small steps.
  • Role-play a presentation or brainstorm ways to make new friends.
  • Celebrate small victories along the way!

5. Downtime is Superpower Time – Take Care of Yourself!

  • Make sure your child gets enough sleep, eats healthy foods, and gets regular exercise.
  • Relaxation is key! Help them find activities they enjoy, like playing outside, drawing, or listening to music.
  • Remember, a happy you means a happier child!

Bonus Tip! If your child’s anxiety feels overwhelming, don’t hesitate to reach out to a doctor or therapist. They can offer additional support and guidance. You can find resources to help you locate a therapist in your area through the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) here: [NAMI mental health professionals ON]

Remember, you’re not alone in this. There are many resources available to help you and your child manage anxiety. With love, patience, and these superhero tips, you can help your child feel braver and stronger!

Courses To Join Next

The following course will help you learn how to help the child:

Helpful Blog Post

All the cards are available as part of a “Mooki Cards“. Complete with 56 cards and storage wallet.

Perfect for using at home or in the classroom. Order your “Mooki Cards” here!

* This article contains Amazon affiliate links.