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Welcome to the “Anger Management” course.
Try 3 activities, just 10 minutes per day!
Help stop negative emotions bottling up and coming out as angry outbursts.
This easy to follow course will help you:
- Understand the child’s anger triggers
- Get the child to understand their own feelings
- Talk more to the child about what is making them feel unhappy.
***All the “Mooki Cards” featured in the videos are available as a free PDF copy. Claim your free Mooki cards copy now:) ***
What causes Angry Outburst?
A dyslexic child may struggle to control their angry outbursts.
Behind their anger can be:
- Fear
- Frustration
- Sadness
- Tiredness
- Feeling overwhelmed
Research has shown dyslexic children feel and show their emotions stronger.
Dyslexic children can bottle-up all their feelings and this can lead to angry outbursts.
Talking about emotions can help a child with negative feelings and relieve stress. The activities below are designed to help you do this.
Angry Iceberg Feelings behind Anger
Top Tips Course
The 3 activities take just 10 mins per day:
- Aim to try all 3 activities in 1 week, what days will you do the tasks?
- Do them with the child, in a quiet place with no distractions.
- Do each task on different days, to stop the child becoming overwhelmed.
Remember don’t rush in too quickly to solve the child’s problems, sometimes it is good to listen!
Task 1 How are you feeling today?
Use Emoji Checkin Card
Help child show and understand how they are feeling
- Ask the child to show how they are feeling, by pointing at the “Emoji Checkin” card.
- Ask the child to record this feeling on a piece of paper. They can draw a face, picture or colour.
- Ask if anything has made the child feel that way today.
The “emoji checkin” can be repeated for 3 days.
Below is a worksheet that you can draw or print for use during the task.
Everything You Need To Help A Dyslexic Child! Shop Now!
Task 2 Let’s talk anger
Use Angry Triggers Card
Understanding the child’s anger triggers
- Complete the “Angry Triggers” card to start a conversation.
- Use a pen and paper to record what makes the child feel angry.
- Ask the child if anything else makes them feel angry and write this down.
In task 3 there will be more chance to talk about solutions to anger.
Below is a worksheet that you can draw or print for use during the task.

Task 3 Can we talk more?
Use with Stinkin Thinking Card
Give child control over negative situations and feelings
- Talk about something the child made them feel angry, in task 2.
- Use “Stinkin Thinking” card, to talk more about what it is and how it makes the child feel.
- Write on paper 2-3 things that can be changed to help them. For example having hobbies outside school.
This activity can be repeated anytime the child is feeling unhappy.
Below is a worksheet that you can draw or print for use during the task.
How did the course help?
- Is the child feeling any negative emotions?
- What is causing the child to feel angry?
- What will help the child avoid getting angry or unhappy?
Courses to join next
The following course will help you learn how to help the child:
- Improve Wellbeing Course
- Build Confidence, Self-Esteem And Ambition Course
- “Have You Understood?” course
- Get Organised And Build Independence Course
- Improve Motivation By Using Healthy Rewards Course
Helpful Articles
- Dealing With Anger In Children, Top Parenting Tips
- Negative Feelings Dyslexic Kids Experience
- My dyslexic 7 Year Old is Angry Outside school!
- Social and Emotional Problems Related to Dyslexia
- 3 Tips to Help Dyslexic Child with Anger
Everything You Need To Help A Dyslexic Child! Mooki Cards Shop Now!
All the cards are available as part of a “Mooki Cards“. Complete with 56 cards and storage wallet.
Perfect for using at home or in the classroom. Order your “Mooki Cards” here!