Week 3 Dyslexic Mum Bootcamp – Managing Emotions

Welcome to week 3 of the Dyslexic Mum boot-camp. The theme this week is “Managing Emotions”.

Note this bootcamp originally ran during the six week summer holidays. You can now do the bootcamp in your own time, by completing the activities below.

Week 3 Managing Emotion

Week 3 is all about learning activities that will support you and your child. These activities will only take ten minutes a day, but you can spend more time if you like.

Worksheet Templates

Additional Resources

This week, we’re focusing on helping your child learn how to manage their emotions. To help them understand how they affected by their emotions, giving them tools to cope.

Dyslexia is about so much more than issues with reading and writing. Scientific research has shown that dyslexic children feel and respond to emotions more. If they watch a scary film, their heart may beat faster then a child without dyslexia. Understanding and managing these strong emotions can be challenging. As a parent/ carers it can be struggle to know how to help.

We’ll start by looking at the Myth-buster card. This will help your child learn what is true or not about dyslexia. Helping to get rid of any scary, untrue thoughts about dyslexia. Unlike alot of information on the internet, this card is backed by scientific research.

Next, we’ll help your child understand what is causing them to have an angry outburst, with the angry triggers card. If the child understands when to ask for help in certain situations, it can help them to avoid angry outbursts. This card can be used with the “Calm Down Yoga” card, to help the child learn ways to become relaxed when faced with stressful situations.

Finally, we’ll introduce you to the Goal Ladder. This is to help your child become focused on achieving a future goal. Focusing on and achieving goals can help build self-esteem and positive thinking. Your child will also be given a chance to practise their writing, with two quick writing activities. Designed to help your child improve their writing style and also to help them remember how to spell new words.

On-Line Support

Whilst you complete the boot camp, I’ll be available to answer your questions and provide support. If you complete the activities, feel free to take a picture and share it with the group. For on-line support join the “Dyslexia Mums Support Group U.K” on Facebook.

Mums Boot-Camp Diary

I completed the six week boot-camp, during the summer holidays. Doing the 10 activities each day with my own little girl. Here is how it went:

Today we did the “Myth Buster” card. We talked alot about how dyslexic people can still be clever, still be good at Maths. Especially when my little girl is struggling at school and starting to belief she can’t do things.

So when I asked my little girl the questions on the card, she got them all right. This showed that she was taking in what I was telling her about dyslexia. Try making talking about dyslexia part of your day to day chats.

We spoke about what makes my little girl feel angry, using the “Angry Triggers” card. My little girl is like me and not very competitive. I was happy to hear that she was also not worried about getting things wrong, not embarrassed by this.

Yet what did make her really angry, was being stopped from having fun. By being asked to do school or homework. This made her angry because, often she was engrossed in a game or was felling tired. She felt like no one listened to her when she said she did not want to do work. So we made a deal, if she did her homework she would get left to play for an hour, uninterrupted. I feel if we had not done this card, we would not have had this conversation.

Every school year children are chosen for main parts in the school play. To become the school counsellor and captains of the sports teams. My little girl is never chosen and this up-sets her. So we decided to use the goal ladder to help her plan, how she can be selected this year to be a school counsellor.

Doing the goal ladder we focused on building her confidence and self-belief. By getting her to practise speaking about her own qualities. Working towards making a campaign poster, that she can submit to the teachers. Fingers crossed she will be chosen this year!.


We had a fun afternoon at the park trying yoga poses. I made it a game, by saying “bet you can’t do this pose!”. Works every-time, everyone wants to join in then.

My little girl is 7 and had already started learning some joined-up writing at school. I first asked her to read the words, which she did correctly. She had a ago at writing the commonly misspelt words, “children”, “friends” and “school”. She wrote the words ok.

Yet when I removed the card and asked her to write the word school. She reverted back to mirror writing some letters and could not spell school. I know it can take a dyslexic child up to 10 times to learn a new spelling. So this is an activity that we will be repeating.

Take a Break

At the start of this week we took a break from the boot-camp. As were on a family holiday. A few days away and my little girl was so much more relaxed. Having a break from the routine and trying new things. Is when children thrive and grow in confidence. Fun, rest and play are as important to learning, as doing homework.

Like we have done, take a break from the boot-camp, when you need too. You don’t have to do it all, just when and where works for you. You can catch-up later by doing a few cards in one day:)

Be a Good Example

I am pretty much afraid of everything. Yet on holiday I wanted to show my little girl. That she did not need to be afraid about trying new things. We did it together, walked across a net hung in the air. After only few minutes my little girl was running and jumping on the net. Losing her fear, filled with confidence.

Like the “Goal Ladder” activity from this week’s Dyslexic Mum boot-camp.  Sometimes it takes dyslexic people longer to achieve things. To take small steps. to build confidence.

Designed to help dyslexic children, “Mooki Cards“. Complete with 56 cards and storage wallet. Perfect for using at home or in the classroom. Order your “Mooki Cards” here!
