What colour overlay is best for dyslexia?

Coloured overlays are given to dyslexic children to help them read better. Coloured filters may help a dyslexic child who is struggling to read words on a white background. Coloured overlays are available in many colours. A dyslexic child may feel certain colours help them read better. The colours that dyslexic children like best for overlays are:

  • Blue
  • Green
  • Yellow

What are dyslexia coloured overlays?

Coloured overlays, or tinted filters, are assistive tools for people with dyslexia. They may help manage visual stress and enhance reading comfort. These overlays are thin sheets of coloured plastic. When placed over text, they filter out specific light wavelengths. This can reduce visual discomfort and make text easier to read.

Do dyslexic children have visual stress?

40% of dyslexic children also have symptoms of visual stress and may have Iren Syndrome. Not all dyslexic children have visual stress.

โ€Only a test by a trained Optician can diagnose visual stress. Signs of visual stress when reading include:

  • Headaches, eyestrain, or blurred vision.
  • Skips words or lines.
  • Have to re-read lines of text.
  • Loses place on page.
  • Difficulties concentrating
  • Words or letters appear to move, wiggle, or have halos around them.

Where sells coloured filters for dyslexia in the UK?

Do coloured filters work for dyslexia?

Research shows that coloured overlays do not help dyslexic children over time. They are more effective for Iren Syndrome. This condition causes visual stress and is different from dyslexia. Coloured overlays may seem helpful at first, but this may be due to other reasons. For example, a child may like using a coloured filter instead of it helping their vision.

To help a dyslexic child read better, other aids can be more effective. These include assistive tech, online reading tools, and dyslexia teaching methods. To learn more, see the links to the posts below:

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