Week 2 Dyslexic Mum Bootcamp – Help! I am Dyslexic

Welcome to week 2 of the Dyslexic Mum boot-camp. The theme this week is “Help! I am Dyslexic”.

Note this bootcamp originally ran during the six week summer holidays. You can now do the bootcamp in your own time, by completing the activities below.

Week 2 is all about learning activities. That will help your child understand dyslexia and how to cope with it. These activities will only take ten minutes a day, but you can spend more time if you like.

Week 2 Help! I am Dyslexic

These activities will only take ten minutes a day, but you can spend more time if you like.

Worksheet Templates

Additional Resources

This week, we’re going to focus on helping your child understand what dyslexia is and how it affects them.

We’ll start by looking at the right and left brain activity card. This will help your child see how the dyslexic brain thinks in a different way. We’ll also be discussing the traffic light system, which is a simple way for your child to communicate when they understand something or not.

Next, we’ll talk about helping your child understand their strengths and talents. Dyslexic children often have unique gifts and abilities, and it’s important for them to know that they’re not alone. We’ll also discuss some ways that your child can learn to manage their dyslexia.

Finally, we’ll introduce you to the rule of ten. This is a teaching technique that can help dyslexic children learn new things more easily. We’ll show you how to teach your child a new word in ten different ways, so that they can really understand it.

On-Line Support

Whilst you complete the boot camp, I’ll be available to answer your questions and provide support. If you complete the activities, feel free to take a picture and share it with the group. For on-line support join the “Dyslexia Mums Support Group U.K” on Facebook.

Mums Boot-Camp Diary

I completed the six week boot-camp, during the summer holidays. Doing the 10 activities each day with my own little girl. Here is how it went:

My little girl is creative, comes to life when dancing and loves building with Lego. Like me she can fix anything and helps with DIY. I knew when we did this card that she would be a left brain thinker. It did make me sad when she said she was no good at writing and was scared of speaking out-loud. I explained she was naturally creative, yet by practising she could get better at right brain skills.

I wanted to try the card, so come-up with a simple activity. I simply asked my little girl to match the coloured blocks, to colours on a piece of paper.

Before doing it asked her if she understood the task, getting her to point at the faces on the card. This task was probably to easy for her, yet it got her using the card and being confident in using it. We will use the card now for homework and I will ask her teachers to use it in the classroom. To check my little girl understands what she is being asked to do.

It was really fun talking to my little girl about the things she is good at and what job she could do in the future. She loves painting and making things. Using the card, she showed as being a “creator” and “inventor”. This made her very happy as she wants to be an artist when she grows-up.

We then spent the afternoon making fun costumes, so she could dress-up as the job. Simple to do, we just drew and painting on a plain white t-shirt. Little sister joined in too.

I simply put a plate of fruit and vegetables down. To try the “Health Habit” cards. My little girls were straight over. Eating the fruit on the plates and started playing with the sports equipment.

I think because I did not make a big deal about what we were doing. They joined in and wanted to do more. Only afterwards did I explain we had done the “Healthy Habits” badges on the card.

Had lots of fun this afternoon, spelling out new words using our bodies. My little girl enjoyed this so much more then, learning spellings by writing them down. We laughed alot when we spelled the words using our tongues.

Sometimes it worked she remember how to spell the word. Sometimes it did not. Yet it was fun and something we can use to keep practising spellings, until she does get them right.

Sometimes it is Hard!

The truth is we got to Wednesday and it was horrible. Everything went out the window. It ended with shouting and throwing. My little girl was tired the moment she woke-up, edgy, tense and hyper. I was not feeling well myself and had little patience for anything.

This when being the parent of a dyslexic child is hard, it sometimes feels like you can’t have a day off. That you have to be on it all the time, managing behaviour.Because I was not feeling well. I had not done the reward chart, not planned any activities, homework for the day and not done the Emoji check-in.

Lack of routine led to my little girl spending too much time on the computer, snacking more than she should and in the afternoon it was melt-down time!

After such a horrible day, I booked us into soft-play the next morning. It gave me a break, chance to have coffee. She got rid of all her manic energy. The afternoon was much better. We are back to using the reward chart. We did some crafts, alongside the Dyslexic Mum boot-camp activities.

Designed to help dyslexic children, “Mooki Cards“. Complete with 56 cards and storage wallet. Perfect for using at home or in the classroom. Order your “Mooki Cards” here!
