What should a dyslexic child aged 7-11 know? Years 3- 6 National Curriculum

When a child attending a U.K primary school, turns aged 7 and moves into year 3. The standard of English education changes, it becomes much more difficult and challenging. The child will now be working at key stage 2 level and may begin to struggle more.

โ€Key stage 2 is less about a child learning the basics of reading and writing. More about the child developing an understand of the English language.

The child can show this understanding by writing about books and poems. By writing in different ways and explaining why they have written in this way. For example using a factual writing style, if writing a News article.  

Rocky Foundations

It is very difficult for a child that does not have strong foundations. In reading, writing and spelling to work at this level. This is why many dyslexic children struggle. Often they have not had chance to learn the basics in English. Work that they should have completed in Key Stage 1. Having these rocky foundations, can led to a dyslexic child falling behind in class.

Yet an advantage that dyslexic children have is that they are often creative. Whilst they many struggle with lists of information. They are more likely to understand concepts. Such as hidden meanings in stories and have imaginative ideas for stories. All good skills to have for Key Stage 2 level English.

Strong Foundations

The best piece of advice I can give to a parent or carer, of a dyslexic child aged 7+. Is to make sure the child has strong foundations in English. By returning to Key Stage 1 work, using the checklists in the section below.

Your child maybe older than the typical age of a child doing Key Stage 1 work. It may feel to the child, like they are taking a step back, they may think they are doing “baby” work. Yet the child needs to be able to complete everything on the checklists. If they are going to be able, to do harder Key Stage 2 work at school.

Key Stage 1

Use the checklists below to spot gaps in your child’s learning. You can help them to build strong foundations, in reading, writing and spelling. Using the linked “Mooki Cards” to help them improve in areas they are struggling with.

Even if your child is older, they may still need to relearn things on the checklists. That they may not have learned in class at school. My “Mooki Cards” are designed, especially to help you teach your child at home. Including everything the child needs to build strong foundations in English.

Key Stage 2

Whilst I was able to create checklists for key stage 1. It is more difficult to create an English checklist, for a child once they move into key stage 2. A child will be aged 7+ in year 3, when they start Key Stage 2 work.

Teachers may no longer mark a child’s English work. By giving a tick if they have spelt a word correctly or written a well structured sentence. Instead the teacher may do something called “holistic” marking.

This is when many things about the child’s written are consider all at once. Such as the style, structure, narrative of the child’s English work. The child’s grade then maybe decided, based on all these things. Marking at this level can be so subjective, that teachers are specially trained to be able to do this.

National Curriculum

Below is a link to the national curriculum standards, for children aged 7- 11. Children at this age will be completing key stage 2 work. If you are concerned that your child is struggling with this level of work. The best option is to look for extra help. See the “Get Help Section” to learn more.

Year 6 SATs

Key stage 2 learning is formally assessed in the form of SATs exams. Unlike Year 2 SATs, the children are older now, in Year 6 and they know these tests are coming. Help your child by trying the example SATs test paper below, to spot any gaps in the child’s learning. If your child is struggling with the tests. Firstly work on helping them build strong foundations in reading, writing and spelling.  

Teach at Home

For top tips on how to teach a child at home. See “How To Teach Dyslexic Child At Home, Step By Step Guide”.

All the cards are available as part of a “Mooki Cards“. Complete with 56 cards and storage wallet. Perfect for using at home or in the classroom. Order your “Mooki Cards” here!