Signs of dyslexia in 7 year old

Many children start to develop strong reading and writing skills around the age of 7. But for some, mastering these crucial skills can be a challenge. If you’re wondering if your child might have dyslexia, here’s a guide to the common signs to look for in 7-year-olds.

What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a learning difference that affects how a person understands written language. It’s important to note that dyslexia is not a sign of lower intelligence. Many bright children with dyslexia simply process information differently.

Signs of Dyslexia in 7-Year-Olds

  • Reading:
    • Difficulty blending sounds together to form words (phonemic awareness)
    • Confusing similar-looking letters (b/d, p/q)
    • Slow reading speed with frequent errors (hesitation, mispronunciations)
    • Poor reading comprehension
  • Writing:
    • Trouble with spelling, despite regular practice
    • Inconsistent letter formation and reversals (b/d, was/saw)
    • Difficulty with grammar and punctuation
    • Slow writing speed and messy handwriting
  • Other Signs:
    • Difficulty following spoken instructions
    • Trouble remembering sequences (letters, numbers, days of the week)
    • Dislikes reading aloud or writing tasks
    • Becomes frustrated or tired easily during reading or writing activities

It’s important to remember that not all children with dyslexia will exhibit every sign. Some may have strong verbal skills that mask their reading difficulties. However, if you notice several of these signs in your child, it’s a good idea to discuss them with their teacher or pediatrician.

Early Intervention is Key

If your child is diagnosed with dyslexia, there’s no need to worry. With proper support and intervention, children with dyslexia can learn to read and write effectively. There are many resources available to help children with dyslexia, including specialized tutoring programs and assistive technologies.

Next Steps

  • If you suspect your child has dyslexia, talk to their teacher and pediatrician.
  • You can find helpful information and resources from organizations like The International Dyslexia Association ( and The National Center for Learning Disabilities (

By understanding the signs of dyslexia and seeking out support, you can help your child reach their full potential.

how do i know if my 7 year old has dyslexia

Review the common signs of dyslexia in 7-year-olds as outlined in the previous blog post. Look for difficulties in:

  • Reading: Trouble blending sounds, confusing letters, slow reading with errors, poor comprehension.
  • Writing: Frequent misspelling, inconsistent letter formation, slow writing, messy handwriting.
  • Other Areas: Difficulty following instructions, trouble with sequences, dislike for reading/writing, frustration during these activities.

Important Reminders:

  • Not all signs apply to all children: Every child is unique, so the presence of a few signs doesn’t guarantee dyslexia.
  • Strengths might mask difficulties: A child with strong verbal skills might hide reading struggles.

Taking Action:

  • Talk to Teachers and Pediatricians: Discuss your concerns and observations with your child’s teachers and pediatrician.
  • Consider Informal Screeners: While not diagnostic, online dyslexia screeners like the Lexercise Dyslexia Screener ( can be a starting point.

Seeking Professional Evaluation:

  • Formal Assessment: If you have ongoing concerns, request a formal evaluation by a qualified professional (psychologist, learning specialist) through your pediatrician or school.
  • Evaluation Process: This typically involves interviews with you and your child, along with testing of reading skills, processing speed, and overall cognitive functioning.

Early Intervention is Key:

  • Don’t wait for a diagnosis: The sooner your child receives support, the better their learning outcomes.
  • Resources and Support: Organizations like the International Dyslexia Association ( and the National Center for Learning Disabilities ( offer resources for parents of children with dyslexia.

Remember: You’re not alone! By working with your child’s teachers and healthcare providers, you can ensure they have the tools and support needed to succeed.


how do i test my 7 year old for dyslexia

There isn’t a single “test” you can give your 7-year-old at home to definitively diagnose dyslexia.  However, there are some resources that can help you identify potential signs:

  • Online Screeners: While not diagnostic, some websites offer free dyslexia screeners that assess basic reading skills. These can be a starting point, but remember, they don’t replace a professional evaluation. ย One example is the Lexercise Dyslexia Screener (
  • Observation: ย Keep an eye out for the signs mentioned in the previous blog post, ย focusing on reading, writing, and other areas that might indicate difficulty with language processing.

Seeking Professional Help

The best course of action is to discuss your concerns with your child’s pediatrician or teacher. They can guide you towards a formal evaluation by a qualified professional, such as a psychologist or learning specialist. This evaluation will typically involve:

  • Interviews: ย The professional will talk to you and your child to gather information about their development, educational history, and any family history of learning disabilities.
  • Testing: ย A battery of tests might assess reading skills, phonemic awareness, processing speed, and overall cognitive functioning.

Remember: Early intervention is crucial for children with dyslexia. By getting a professional evaluation, you can ensure your child receives the support and resources they need to thrive.
