Signs of Dyslexia in 6 Year Old Child

When school children become aged 6, classwork can start to become more difficult. Work can become less about play, more about reading and writing. Child with dyslexia may start to struggle more in class and show signs that they are dyslexic.

Signs of Dyslexia, 5-7 Years (primary school age)

Between the ages of 5-7, the signs that a child has dyslexia may start to show more. Dyslexia is a learning difficulty. The top signs of dyslexia are listed here, a dyslexic child may struggle with the following:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Spelling
  • Behaviour
  • Emotions
  • Organisation
  • Independence

Read more below about the common signs of dyslexia and how the affect a 6 year old dyslexic child.

As a parent or carer, you may believe your child is dyslexic. Yet unable to give clear examples of why.

Below are guides to help you understand the signs of dyslexia in a six year old child.

Dyslexia help Mooki Cards, Order your copy online now!

Signs Of Dyslexia in 6 Year Old Child UK

The signs of dyslexia in a 6 year old child, can start to show between the ages of 5-7. During early primary school years, when a child is starting to learn how to read and write:

  • At age 6 the signs of dyslexia can become clearer. As the child may start to fall behind in class and struggle to do work.
  • Whilst many of the signs of dyslexia can be spotted in the writing of a child aged 5-7. There are many other signs of dyslexia in a 6 year old child.
  • Parents, careers of dyslexia children are good at spotting these other signs. Such as the child struggling to learn how to get dressed or being prone to angry outbursts.
  • The parents, carers may have noticed the signs of dyslexia earlier than aged six, when their child was in early years. This is when a child is attending nursery or in reception class, aged 3-5 years old.

Checklist Dyslexia Signs 6 Year Old Child

The signs of dyslexia can be spotted in a childโ€™s language and writing. For handy checklists see blog posts below. To learn more also see “NHS Dyslexia” and “Common Dyslexia Signs” for more.

Handy Checklists Dyslexia Signs

Common Signs of Dyslexia in 6 year old Child

1. Reading & Writing Dyslexia Signs

A 6 year old dyslexic child may struggle to read and write:

  • Children in their class may already be able to read and write full sentences.
  • Whilst your child is still learning basic letters and how to write their name.
  • A dyslexic child may also struggle to learn to read, write and spell. Basic 2, 3, 4 letter words.
  • Learning spellings is hard for dyslexic children.
  • It can one day seem like they have learned a spelling, then the next day they have forgotten.
  • Dyslexic children will often spell the same word wrong in many different ways.

Try these 10 minute “Reading & Writing” activities to help them improve.


2. Organisation Dyslexia Signs

Struggling with organisation is one of the signs of dyslexia in a 6 year old child:

  • This can be a harder sign of dyslexia in a 6-year-old child to spot.
  • Children at this age are less independent and parents, careers still take a large role in their care.
  • Yet signs like a child struggling to get dressed themselves. Being messy, unable to find things and confusing days of the week could be signs.

Help a dyslexic child get more organised, try these activities “Get Organised”.

3. Confidence Dyslexia Signs

Confidence issues is one of the signs of dyslexia in a 6 year old child:

  • โ€Dyslexia is a learning difficulty, a recognised disability. So it can make it harder for a dyslexic child to achieve.
  • Dyslexic children usually will struggle in class.
  • They may work harder than other children, yet still find it hard to keep-up. This can affect a dyslexic child’s confidence.
  • They may start to believe that they are not good at anything and never will be. That in future they won’t be able to get a job.
  • Yet dyslexia can be a strength, some of the most creative, successful people in the world are dyslexic.

Help to build their confidence by trying these 10 min  activities, “Build Confidence”.

4.Emotional Dyslexia Signs

Emotional issues are one of the signs of dyslexia in a 6 year old child. A dyslexic child can struggle to control their emotions and be unfairly labelled as a troublemaker.

  • Failing behind in class, finding it harder to do work in class. Can affect a dyslexic child’s behaviour.
  • They may become quiet, withdrawn or start to misbehave.
  • Their anxieties, frustrations surrounding struggling to learn may show as angry outbursts.

Help dyslexic a children by trying these activities, to “Give Comfort”.

I think My Child Is Dyslexia?

You have spotted the signs of dyslexia in your 6 year old child. You maybe unsure what to do next and how to get dyslexia help at school. See video below for helpful guide to speaking to teachers about the signs of dyslexia.

Remember any child that is struggling in class. With or without a formal dyslexia diagnosis, should be offered extra support.

Children have to wait until they are aged 7 in the U.K, to be formally assessed. Extra help in class, such as one to one reading. Should be given at as early an age as possible. 

Can you test a 6 year old for dyslexia?

A 6 year old child can do an initial on-line dyslexia screening text. Yet they cannot do a formal dyslexia test, to be formally assessed for dyslexia. A formal test is done by a qualified educational psychologist.

  • The online screening test usually can only be accessed by registered educational institutes.
  • So it would be the child’s school and teachers that would do the on-online screening test.
  • Yet parents of dyslexic children have said that the results are not always accurate.
  • That when their child had the formal dyslexia test, the results can back different.
  • Usually providing a more firm diagnosis that the child has dyslexia.

At what age should a child be tested for dyslexia?

Children can do a formal dyslexia test, have a formal dyslexia assessment at aged 7. It can be very confusing for parents, careers to understand this process.

  • To know who should do the dyslexia test.
  • How to arrange it.
  • How much it costs.

For a full guide see my post “Assessments for Dyslexia. Step by Step Guide”. If you are looking for a private dyslexia assessor, we can recommend “Dyslexia Evolve Solutions”.

Pros and Cons Dyslexia Assessments

Learn the pros and cons of formal dyslexia assessments, watch the video below.

Sign of dyslexia in 7 year old

The signs of dyslexia in a 7 year old child, are very similar to the signs of dyslexia in a 6 year old. As previously covered in the post above:

  • At aged 7 a child will be in year 2, if they attend a primary school in the U.K.
  • Year 2 is an important year. Children complete KS1 and do SAT exams.
  • These exams will usually be done in class by the teacher and the child may not even know they are doing an exam.
  • The results will show if a child is falling behind. For example a dyslexic child in year 2, may only be able to do reception level reading.

Sign of dyslexia in 8 year old

Children aged 8 are in school year 3. They will now be starting Key stage 2 work. This level of work is much harder than Key stage 1 work.

  • If a child has not learned the basics of reading, writing and spelling by this age.
  • They may struggle to complete harder work such as writing stories, essays.
  • It may then become clearer that they are dyslexia and need extra support.
  • Such as dyslexia tests being arranging and extra one to one teaching time.
  • The child may need to relearn reading/ writing basic words, such as 3, 4, 5 letter words.  

To help the child to read, write and spell basic words. see this post, “How To Teach A Dyslexic Child To Read & Write New Words”.

Sign of dyslexia in 9 year old

When a child gets to age 9, they are expected to become more independent.

  • Dyslexic children may still struggle to get dressed, do their own hair and tie their own shoe laces.
  • They may find it hard to remember to do homework.
  • To pack their own school bag and know when they have activities such as P.E, swimming and out of school clubs.
  • Other children in their class may seem more grown-up, more mature. More able to hold longer conversations, given long speaking parts in the school play.
  • Whilst a dyslexic child may prefer playing games and listening to stories.

Helpful Articles

Is my 5 year old dyslexic quiz

There are some free dyslexia tests for children online, that parents and carers can use:

  • Such as the Lexcercise, free dyslexic test for children.
  • These dyslexia tests can be used by children from aged 5.
  • These tests are not a formal guide and if you have concerns your child is dyslexic, speak to their teachers.

Why is my child struggling in class?

A child with dyslexia is more likely to fall behind in class. Struggling to complete the work set in class.

  • The work taught in classrooms in the U.K is set by the national curriculum.
  • Children aged 6 are expected to be working at a certain level.
  • Teachers teach work at this level.
  • All children, including those with learning difficulties, work towards the national curriculum. Without extra support, this can result in a dyslexic child falling behind in class.
  • As a parent, carer it can be confusing to understand. What your child should be able to do, to be sure they are getting the right help.
  • The national curriculum was introduced into U.K schools in 1989.

Below are links to checklists I have written. Based on the expected standards of English children should meet at the age of 6.

Dyslexic children should be given extra support. To help them achieve everything on the checklist. You can use the checklists to spot any gaps in your childโ€™s learning.

Then use โ€œMookiโ€ cards to help them learn and practise in these areas. All the activities on my cards are based on the โ€œNational Curriculumโ€ and backed by science.

