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Dysgraphia or Dyslexia? It can be very confusing as a parent, or carer to know the differences between dysgraphia and dyslexia.
What is the difference between dysgraphia and dyslexia?
Dysgraphia mainly affects handwriting, spelling and grammar. Dyslexia is a learning and processing issue. That can affect a child’s ability to learn new skills and communicate their ideas. โ
Dysgraphia and dyslexia are both learning difficulties, caused by a brain processing issue. They share many similar traits, both can make a child struggle to learn to read and write.
- 30% of dyslexic children also have dysgraphia
What are the symptoms of dysgraphia and dyslexia?
Dysgraphia and dyslexia both affect a child’s ability to write, spell and even to get organised. They are both neuro-diversities, which makes it harder for a child to learn and they may struggle in class.
This may lead to the child having behaviour issues and struggling to make friends.
Dysgrahia can make a child struggle with:
- Holding pen/pencil
- Spelling & Grammar
- Writing letters/numbers
- Getting ideas down in writing
Top 10 Signs Dysgraphia
1. Struggles with spelling and handwriting – Children with Dysgraphia may have difficulty writing clearly. Struggling to write letters correctly and put letters in the right order.
2. Slow at writing speed -Children with Dysgraphia may take a long time to write, even basic words and short sentences.
3. Writes sentences, with randomly spaced words – Sometimes the spaces are too big, sometimes too small.
4. Struggle to get ideas down on paper – Thoughts in the head of a child with Dysgraphia maybe clear, yet they can not write them down.
5. Issues with fine motor skills – Holding a pen correctly and writing in an fluent way maybe a challenge.
6. Finding it uncomfortable and even painful to write – Due to struggling to hold the pen correctly or write letters easily.
7. Taking notes in class maybe a challenging – Such as copying information, or listening then writing down information.
8. Writing sentences maybe difficult, due to struggling with composition – The child may not understand where to write commas or full stops in a sentence.
9. Dysgraphia can affect a child’s ability to use grammar correctly – They may struggle to use past, present tenses in their writing. Confusing words that sound the same, but have different meanings, such as “there” and “their”.
10. Issues with fine motor skills – May effects the child’s ability to do other related tasks. Such as tying shoes, using cutlery to eat dinner, or the ability to open jars.
How to Help a Child with Dysgraphia
Dyslexic children and child with dysgraphia both struggle to write and spell. Many of the activities that are used to help dyslexic children learn, can also be used to help a child with dysgraphia learn.
โMooki Cards contain may 10 minute writing activities, to neuro-divesre children learn better. See more below:
1. Try multi-sensory learning – Explore letters and words, using all the senses. Through touch, smell, and sound. Make writing more fun and interactive. Use craft papers, glitter glue, sandboxes and scented markers.
2. Practice writing often – Spend just 5 minutes learning letters and words. Start with basic 2,3,4 letters words, before moving on to harder words. See “Top Tips to Teaching Your Child New Words at Home”.
3. Assistive technology – If the child struggles to get their ideas down on paper. Instead use assistive technology to help. The child can use speech to text, to help turn ideas into words.
4. Create a calm corner – Children with Dysgraphia, like children with dyslexia. Benefit from learning in a relaxed environment. Learn more about creating a calm learning corner. A child with Dysgraphia may also benefit from using an ergonomic writing tool. Such as pencil grips or specially shaped pens.
5. Get creative – For a child that struggles to write. Expressing themselves through art can be a confidence boost. They can use drawing to get their ideas down on paper, before turning them into words. See “Thought-Tree” for more.
What is Dysgraphia symptoms?
Dysgraphia affects a child’s ability to write and spell words. Dyslexia also affects reading and writing. Yet it can affect many more things including, organisation, memory and emotions.
However like a child with Dyslexia, a child with Dysgraphia may struggle get their ideas down on paper. To express themselves through writing.
To learn more about the difference between Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia. See “Dys-What-Ia? Card“.
Is Dysgraphia a learning disability?
- Both Dysgraphia and Dyslexia are recognised as being a disability. Protected under the 2010 equality act.
- Children with dysgraphia and Dyslexia, both have special educational needs. This means the child may need extra help in class to learn.
- Dysgraphia and Dyslexia are life long conditions. So the child may need extra support all their life, including in the workplace.
- Many people with dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find ways to manage and can go to be independent, successful adults.
Where to get a Dysgraphia Test?
If you think your child has dysgraphia, you may want to get them a dysgraphia test. Learn more about dysgraphia tests below.
- Speak to the child’s teacher first and ask what support can be put in place.
- The child will need to do a formal Dysgraphia assessment to be formally diagnosed.
- The formal Dysgraphia test is the same assessment that is done for children with Dyslexia.
- The formal diagnosis is done privately, usually by an educational psychologist.
- During the test they assess the child for a range of learning difficulties. Including Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia.
Learn more about dysgrahia tests and dysgraphia diagnosis – See “Formal Assessments”.
Try the free online dysgraphia test from Lexercise.
Is Dysgraphia a Form of ADHD?
A child with Dysgraphia is not more likely to have ADHD. Dysgraphia is when a child struggles to write and spell.
ADHD affects focus and behaviour. Yet a child with Dysgraphia can also have ADHD.
- 60% of children with dysgraphia also have ADHD
If a child with Dysgraphia is showing signs of ADHD, lack of focus and hyper-active behaviour. This could instead be linked to anxiety caused by struggling in class and lack of self-confidence.
See “Give Comfort” for ideas about how to support a child with their emotions.
Dsygraphia Helpful Articles
- Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia And Dysgraphia Explained In Simple Terms
- What Is Dyscalculia? Top 10 Questions, Answered
- What Is Dysgraphia? Top 10 Questions, Answered
- What is Dyspraxia? Top 10 Questions, Answered
- How To Tell If My Child Has Dyslexia, Top 10 Parents Stories
Designed to help dyslexic children, “Mooki Cards“. Complete with 56 cards and storage wallet. Perfect for using at home or in the classroom. Order your “Mooki Cards” here!