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50 Words that are hard for dyslexics to Read and Spell
Discover what words a dyslexic child may find challenging to read, write and spell. Understand why they struggle with these words.
Learn maths timetables, 5 tips dyslexic kids
Understand why dyslexic kids ages 5-7+ struggle to remember times-tables. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child learn to times-tables.
Learn to tell the time, 5 tips dyslexic kids
Understand why dyslexic kids ages 5-7+ struggle to tell the time. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child learn to tell the time.
Top 8 reasonable adjustments for dyslexic kids in classroom
Dyslexic friendly way to teach a child. Use at home or in the classroom, to make helpful adjustments.
Manage emotions, help dyslexic child in 10 mins
Help dyslexic children ages 5-7+ to manage emotions. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child improve their wellbeing.
Learn new spellings, help dyslexic child in 10 mins
Help dyslexic kids ages 7+ to learn new spellings. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child to practise new spellings.
200 Words to learn, help dyslexic children read better
Use these extra lists of words, to use Mooki cards time and time again. To help child practice learning more words and sounds.
Practice word sounds dyslexic kids, 5 minute game
Can the child say these tongue twisters rhymes, extra fast? This is a hilarious game to play to help the child practice their words sounds.
50 Hard words to spell, dyslexic kids ages 3-5+
Tricky words list to practise difficult words. Learn ways to remember tricky words.
100 Words every dyslexic child needs to learn
Learn these 100 crucial words and the dyslexic child will be able to read 50% of most books. Use with other cards in the deck to help child learn words.