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Help dyslexic child get ideas down on paper in 10 minutes
Dyslexic kids think quickly and can have jumbled ideas. Learn to make a Though Tree to help get their ideas down.
Teach dyslexic kids reading, guide for ages 5-10+
Climb the reading staircase. Ensure dyslexic child has strong foundations in reading. Practice word sounds, phonetics.
Spot dyslexia in child’s writing, look for 6 signs
Look for the common signs of dyslexia in a child’s writing. Clear examples of errors in writing associated with dyslexia.
Simple way for dyslexic child to show if they need help
Make it simple and easy, for a child to let you know if they need more help. Use this Traffic Light card at school or at home.
Signs of dyslexia in 5 to 10 year olds
Spot the early signs of dyslexia. Clear examples of how dyslexia can show, such as in a child’s speech development.
Rule of 10, learn new spellings dyslexic kids
Use rule of 10, to teach dyslexic kids. Repeat word spellings in 10 fun ways, to help them learn.
Help a dyslexic child remember spellings aged 6+
Learn joined-up writing, become better at spelling words. Use muscle memory to help remember, correct order of letters in a word.
Using rhymes to help dyslexic children 6+ spell
Remember words spellings, facts in correct order. Use memory tags, such as pictures, stories and rhymes.
How to improve handwriting for dyslexic children aged 5-7+
Help dyslexic child practice writing letters and remember words correctly. By tracing the same letter up to 10 times.
Yes Day! Boost confidence and have fun for dyslexic kids
Have fun, bond with your child by having a “Yes Day”. Put the child in charge with these fun ideas.