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Motivate, Praise and Encourage A Dyslexic Child, use a Reward Chart
Learn how to make a reward chart, to encourage a dyslexic child to stick to tasks. Give rewards that are healthy and fun.
How To Help A Dyslexic Child Focus
Make a Goal Ladder to help dyslexic child work towards a goal. Use to focus and motive, by breaking task into manageable chunks.
Dyslexic Child Behavior Problems
Dyslexic children can feel emotions stronger and struggle to control their behaviour. Understand this can lead to angry outbursts and ADHD type behaviour.
Dyslexia Support And Treatment For Anxiety In Children With Strong Emotions
Strong emotions can make dyslexic children feel depressed and anxious. Start talking to them about their feelings.
Building Confidence In A Dyslexic Child
Build dyslexic child’s confidence, make a self-esteem sun. Talk about their talents and positive qualities.