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How To Avoid Mood Swings and Angry Outbursts In Dyslexic Kids
Spot frustrations building, avoid stressful situations that lead to angry outbursts. Help a dyslexic child manage their angry triggers.
Parent & Carer of Dyslexic Child, How Can I Offer Emotional Support?
Toolkit for parents, carers to help their dyslexic child manage their emotions. Includes self-care tips.
Top 5 Emotional Problems Dyslexia Ages 5-7+ Kids – How To Help Dyslexic Child At Home
Help dyslexic children ages 5-7+ to manage emotions. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child improve their wellbeing.
Help Dyslexic Child with Anger Management Course for Parents, Carers and Teachers
Easy Manage Angry Outbursts! Try 3 activities, taking just 10 minutes per day.
Dyslexic Child Behavior Problems
Dyslexic children can feel emotions stronger and struggle to control their behaviour. Understand this can lead to angry outbursts and ADHD type behaviour.
Dyslexia Support And Treatment For Anxiety In Children With Strong Emotions
Strong emotions can make dyslexic children feel depressed and anxious. Start talking to them about their feelings.
Dealing with Anger in Children, Top Parenting Tips
Top tips from parents, about how they deal with their child having an angry outburst. Read advice about what to do with the child and what to say during an angry meltdown.
Avoiding Angry Outburst Parenting Workshop
This workshop is designed for parents/ carers, even teachers of dyslexic children. Giving you the tools to talk to a dyslexic child about their feelings.