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SATS exams, do dyslexic children get extra time?
Dyslexic children are entitled to special exam arrangements. Learn what they are and if your child qualifies.
50 Words that are hard for dyslexics to read and spell
Discover what words a dyslexic child may find challenging to read, write and spell. Understand why they struggle with these words.
Is dyslexia inherited from mum and dad?
Can dyslexia be passed down from grandparents, to parents and children? Understand genetic links to dylexia.
What colour overlay is best for dyslexia?
Coloured overlays are often recommended for dyslexic children. Learn more about which coloured filters appear to work best.
Help dyslexic child get ideas down on paper in 10 minutes
Dyslexic kids think quickly and can have jumbled ideas. Learn to make a Though Tree to help get their ideas down.
Learn to tell the time, 5 tips dyslexic kids
Understand why dyslexic kids ages 5-7+ struggle to tell the time. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child learn to tell the time.
Learn maths timetables, 5 tips dyslexic kids
Understand why dyslexic kids ages 5-7+ struggle to remember times-tables. Get top tips on how to help a dyslexic child learn to times-tables.
Top 100 famous people with dyslexia
List of top 100 famous people with dyslexia, that have achieved great things. Use this list to inspire a dyslexic child.
Simple way for dyslexic child to show if they need help
Make it simple and easy, for a child to let you know if they need more help. Use this Traffic Light card at school or at home.
Using rhymes to help dyslexic children 6+ spell
Remember words spellings, facts in correct order. Use memory tags, such as pictures, stories and rhymes.