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What is Dyspraxia? Top 10 Questions, Answered
Learn about the differences between dyspraxia and dyslexia. Both are learning difficulties and share many similar traits. Understand how best to help a child with dyspraxia learn.
What is it like to have dyslexia? My story by the Dyslexic Mum
Learn about the Dyslexic Mum. What it was like for her growing-up with dyslexia. How this inspired her to help her own and other dyslexic children.
What should a dyslexic child aged 6-7 know? Year 2 National Curriculum
Checklist of what every Year 2 child in the U.K should be learning at school.
What should a dyslexic child aged 7-11 know? Years 3- 6 National Curriculum
Checklist of what every child in Years 3-7. Should be learning at school in the U.K.
What Should Dyslexic Children at Primary School Know? National Curriculum
Links to all the national curriculum, English checklists. What primary school children in the U.K should be able to do.
When is Dyslexia Awareness Week 2023? Activities for Schools
Hold a dyslexia awareness day at your school. Learn about this can help children understand more about dyslexia.
When is dyslexia awareness week 2024? Activities for schools
Organising a dyslexia awareness day at your school can help children gain a deeper understanding of dyslexia.
Where can I get a Dyslexia Test for Adults in U.K?
Are you an adult that thinks they have dyslexia? Maybe you want to return to education and be given a second chance. Learn about formal dyslexia assessments.
Is dyslexia inherited from mum and dad?
Can dyslexia be passed down from grandparents, to parents and children? Understand genetic links to dylexia.
Words that Are Hard for Dyslexics to Read and Spell
Discover what words a dyslexic child may find challenging to read, write and spell. Understand why they struggle with these words.