Ask Teachers to Write an Educational Learn Plan

It comes up time and time again on my Facebook “Dyslexia Mums Support Group U.K”. Parents, careers asking how to get teachers, school to help their dyslexic child. Many feel that their child is not getting the right help and don’t know how to get it.

The simple answer is, if you are worried your child is falling behind in class. Request that the teachers write a “Individual Educational Plan”. A child does not need to have a formal dyslexia diagnosis, to have a plan written to help them catch-up. Below is information about what the plan should include. Advice about how to speak to teachers, to get the right support for your child.

My Learning Plan Card

The Mooki Cards contain a โ€œMy Learning Plan” card. Learn what an “Educational Learning Plan” should include. Use the card below on your phone or tablet for free!

Educational Learning Plans

  • Any child who is struggling can have an “individual educational learning plan”. Even without a formal dyslexia diagnosis. Request one is written for your child if they are struggling and falling behind in class.
  • The plan is written to ensure that the child is getting the help they need, in the right areas. To monitor their progress, ensuring the child is improving in key areas. The teacher or special educational needs coordinator (SENCo), should write this. It is sometimes called a passport and different at every school. It should include clear targets that the child is working towards.
  • The main difference between the IEP and EHCP plan is that. A Individual Educational Plan is written by teachers. For use in school to monitor a child’s progress. An Educational Health Care Plan, needs to be written by your local authority. It can mean money for special equipment, teachers. Provided to a child who’s special needs, can not be meet without these extra provisions.

Learn more about “EHCP plans”.

Get Dyslexic Help in School

Top Tips Dyslexic Mum

If you are struggling to get your child’s teachers to give them extra support or you are unsure how to ask for dyslexia help. See my “How to Speak to Teachers” card for advice.

Check the child’s “individual educational learning plan” includes:

  • What is the child learning?
  • Who will help them?
  • Why are they learning this?
  • When will their work be checked?
  • Where will they show signs of improvement?

If the child’s learning plan is missing any of the above items, speak to their teacher. If school is still unsupportive speak to your school governors or local educational authority U.K.

All the cards are available as part of a “Mooki Cards“. Complete with 56 cards and storage wallet. Perfect for using at home or in the classroom. Order your “Mooki Cards” here!