Week 6 Dyslexic Mum Bootcamp – School Ready

Welcome to week 6 of the Dyslexic Mum boot-camp. The theme this week is “School Ready”. Congratulations you have nearly completed the boot-camp!

Note this bootcamp originally ran during the six week summer holidays. You can now do the bootcamp in your own time, by completing the activities below.

Week 6 is all about learning activities that will help your child become school ready. These activities will only take ten minutes a day, but you can spend more time if you like.

Week 6 School Ready

These activities will only take ten minutes a day, but you can spend more time if you like.

Worksheet Templates

This final week, we’re going to focus on helping you get your child become school ready.

Dyslexia is about so much more than issues with reading and writing. It can affect everything from writing, memory and organisations. Dyslexic children struggle with order, so they can appear forgetful and disorganised. Schools can sometimes not understand the signs of dyslexia and it can be difficult to get them to give the right support.

We’ll start the week by helping to learn how to get the right help from your child’s school. First using the dyslexic writing card, to spot clear examples of dyslexia in your child’s writing. You can then use these examples when speaking to your child’s teachers about dyslexia. The talk to school card will help you do this. To ensure your child gets the right kind of support, request a Educational Learning Plan. The accompanying card will explain what this should include.

Next, we’ll give your child some tools to help get their thoughts organised and remember factual information. Including the Though Tree mind-mapping card and the Memory Tags. To help achild remember new spellings and facts.

Finally, we’ll introduce you to the picture School Timetable and School Ready card. To help your child become more independent. Dyslexic children think better in pictures. The cards use pictures to help your child follow a school ready checklist and school time-table.

On-line Support

Whilst you complete the boot camp, I’ll be available to answer your questions and provide support. If you complete the activities, feel free to take a picture and share it with the group. For on-line support join the “Dyslexia Mums Support Group U.K” on Facebook.

Expert Guest

Learn about the formal dyslexia assessment process. Guest speaker videos below include Evolve Dyslexia Solutions.

Congratulations and Thank You!

Thank you so much for joining me for this bootcamp and congratulations for giving it a try. Remember to continue to use all the tools you have learned to help your child. So great to have you and being part of the community!

Mums Boot-Camp Diary

I completed the six week boot-camp, during the summer holidays. Doing the 10 activities each day with my own little girl. Here is how it went:

I started to think my little girl had dyslexia when she was just aged 2. She struggled to focus and would not even watch TV for more than a few minutes. So when she started school and started mirror writing letters, I knew this was also a key sign. I took examples of her writing to show the teachers.

At first they tried to tell me it was something all kids do until aged 7. But I just knew, she was dyslexic and kept pushing for help. Aged 7 now, she does other classic things like reads “Was” as “Saw”.

I pushed my little girls school to give her extra help in class, even when she was too young to be formally diagnosed with dyslexia. They put her on an IELP, a pupil passport. If you are struggling to get your child’s school to give extra help, I have a template you can use. See link “School Letter Dyslexia Support”.

We gave the thought tree a good go, around the theme of her summer holidays. It was nice to talk about all the activities and days out we had had. Using a mini thermal printer and an old cereal box, we made the thought tree. Choosing, then printing photos we had taken during the holidays and writing about them.

Once we had finished, I asked my little girl to talk through everything she had done. By holding up the thought tree and pointing at it. This worked well and helped her remember everything, when speaking out-loud.

The memory tags activity we tried, to help my little girl remember how to spell new works. She is only aged 7 and has a writing age of 4. So she could remember the rhymes, yet she struggled to understand how they spelt out a word. I feel this activity is better suited to older children, that understand how to break down words into letters.

It can be frustrating asking my little girl to get ready for school. She appears not to be listening and I find myself getting to the point of shouting.

We used the card to practise getting ready for returning to school after the holidays. I gave her the card and we talked through what she needed to do for all the pictures. I then gave her 5 mins to do everything on the card. She found it fun and she was school ready in no time.

Now my little girl is aged 7, I am encouraging her to become more independent. To get herself dressed and know what lessons she has at school. When it is P.E my little girl needs to come to school dressed in her P.E kit. I must admit I often forget which day this is myself and have sent her in full school uniform a number of times.

So we did the school timetable to show when she has P.E. I have put the timetable on the front door, so my little girl never forgets what day it is. We will be using this when she returns to school in September.

Designed to help dyslexic children, “Mooki Cards“. Complete with 56 cards and storage wallet. Perfect for using at home or in the classroom. Order your “Mooki Cards” here!