How To Explain Dyslexia To A Child

Parents evening on a wintery mid-term evening. The teacher started by telling me how hard my little girl was trying. It was lovely to hear. She was doing well at Maths, History, Art, yet she was way below average at reading. The school was helping her, she was on a special table, doing extra work with the teacher. Yet words from bullies like “you are stupid”, had began already to creep in.

My little girl was confused, why did she found writing so hard and other did not. I knew it was time to start talking to her about dyslexia. There is so much information on the internet, it can be confusing. So I made it as simple as possible and designed this card below, to simply explain the “Why, Who, What, Where?” of dyslexia.

Common Questions Card Explain Dyslexia

The Mooki Cards contain a โ€œCommon Questionsโ€ card. Play this fun game on the card below with the child, to start talking about dyslexia.

This card is based on scientific research, “Dyslexia in the Classroom Book – Jordan, Dale.R”.

Who, What, When, Why? Explain Dyslexia

Why Do People Have Dyslexia? Scientists think dyslexia is genetic. This means people get it from their parents or grandparents.

โ€When Will Dyslexia go Away? Dyslexia is something you will always have. You will need extra help with your reading and writing skills, to help you grow-up to be successful.โ€

What Makes a Dyslexic Brain Different? You are more likely to be better at thinking in pictures and problem solving. Than at learning letters and words.โ€

Who Can Help with Dyslexia? Teachers will give extra help at school, explain things so you understand. There are also special computers that read out words and different ways of learning too.

Learn more about dyslexia “British Dyslexia Association”.

Start Talking About Dyslexia

Top Tips Dyslexic Mum

Be Honest – Be open, honest about dyslexia with the child. It can be confusing and scary for a child to realise they are different. They may believe negative things about themselves, start to think they are stupid and wonโ€™t do well in life.โ€

Start Talking – This card starts a conversation with the child about dyslexia. The child will have many more questions about dyslexia. Use the rest of the cards in the โ€œDyslexic Mum Bagโ€, to talk to the child more about dyslexia. The cards will help build their confidence, get them organised and practise writing. Showing them that dyslexia is not something that has to hold them back in life.โ€

Beware Internet – The internet contains so much untrue information about dyslexia. These incorrect facts can cause unnecessary confusion and stress. All the cards in the โ€œMooki cards for dyslexiaโ€ are carefully researched, so you know the information is true. If you need more information, stick to trusted websites. Such as the โ€œNHS Dyslexiaโ€, and the โ€œBritish Dyslexia Associationโ€.

All the cards are available as part of a “Mooki Cards“. Complete with 56 cards and storage wallet. Perfect for using at home or in the classroom. Order your “Mooki Cards” here!